Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Post #64(b) - Guided Meditation

Today, I want to guide you through a short meditation and breathing exercise. This meditation is meant to aid in relaxation and to decrease stress and anxiety.

All you need to do is follow my instructions and focus your mind. Soon, you'll be well on your way to a more relaxed and stress free life.

Begin by sitting or lying in a comfortable position.

Close your eyes. And begin to take long, deep, deliberate breaths.

Inhale deeply through your nose. Hold for about 3 seconds. Then, slowly exhale through your mouth.

Breathe in total relaxation and breathe out stress and tension. Do this a few times to initiate the relaxation process.

After taking 3-4 slow, deep breaths, begin to breathe at your normal pace. But, focus on keeping your breaths deep and deliberate.

Bring your attention to your feet. Wiggle your toes and make circles with your ankles, shaking out all of the tension. Slightly bend your knees and flex the muscles in your thighs. Shake out all of the tension from these areas and focus on relaxing them.

Wiggle your hips and roll the tension out of your back and shoulders. Relax you arms, laying them comfortably by your side. Shake the tension out of your elbows, wrists, and fingers.

Roll your neck gently to the front, then to the back. Slowly turn your neck to the left and to the right, stretching out any tight, overworked muscles.

Finally, relax your facial muscles. Try not to smile or frown. Don't squeeze your eyes shut. Just let your eyelids rest in the closed position. And unclench your teeth. Let your jaw drop, releasing the tension and allowing relaxation to take over.

Meanwhile, continue to breathe - deeply and deliberately.

Allow in affirming thoughts and relaxation with each inhale. And force out stress, anxiety, and the tension caused by them with each exhale.

Let's practice...

Deeply inhale and breathe in positive energy........ Slowly exhale and breathe out all negativity.

Breathe in rest and relaxation....... Breathe out stress and tension.

Breathe in godly, agape love...... Breathe out malice and hate.

Breathe in life affirming thoughts....... Breathe out all problems and defeat.

Breathe in the love of God....... Breathe out all fear and anxiety.

Take a couple more deep breaths, remembering only to let positivity in.

Continue to expel all negativity.

Once you have reached your desired level of relaxation, you can slowly open your eyes and bask in your new state of mind.

Do this on a regular basis to continue to strengthen your mind and relieve stress.

Happy meditating!!

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